Enrico Dario

The Winery Enrico Dario was born in 1968, the vineyards are located in the region Marixe of Albenga favorable area for growing thanks to the warm climate, sun exposure and proximity to the woods, factors that contribute to creating wines with unique flavors and aromas. For some years now the company has come close to growing organically, in fact all products are in period of organic conversion. The company pays great attention to quality research and that's why all the wines are bottled and packaged directly in the winery.

Owner Carlo Alberto e Emanuela Biffi
Enologist Carlo Alberto e Emanuela Biffi
Region Liguria (Italy)
Year established 1968
Wines produced Pigato Doc, Vermentino Doc e Rossese Doc
Total bottles produced 40000
Hectares of vineyard 5
Address Azienda Vitivinicola Enrico Dario - Bastia d'Albenga (SV) - Via Massari, 4
wines of the winery Enrico Dario
Pigato DOC
product out of stock
Rossese DOC
product out of stock
Vermentino DOC
product out of stock